Ala's thoughts

Sunday, September 21, 2008


There is some new show on TV, quite similar to "Idol", but, to be honest, it is more spectacular because the participants are already chosen. Among these 15 wizz-kids there is my friend from high school. She's really talented and it's no surprise that she managed to get to this programme.
In the first episod, they showed some short films about each of the participants and my jaw dropped when I saw a fragment with the girl I know - she and her friends didn't talk about her as a star and the only person who should win the competition. They didn't make her somebody else. In fact, they showed her as one of the members of a church. She said one very important thing which truly hit me. She said she cannot imagine her life without a church, she finds herself there.
I always knew she's a believer. We used to go on English Camps together some time ago. She's a wonderful woman and I can see as she grows up, she becomes more and more aware of the task she was given. That was so cool watching her speaking about her relations in faith. That was a short fragment but, no doubt, different than others. She gave kind of testimony, she admitted that she loves God before thousands of people who wre sitting in front of tv screens. I lack much of this courage and I pray I will be given it and that I will persist in it. We'll see how it goes on, she got to the next stage:)

Today I read encouragement I receive daily from a pastor of baptist church in Poznan. They compared Christian to drug addicts explaining that every Christian looks for his strength, for something that may drive him. If each of them - a Christian and a drug addict lack their power, they start to search for it anywhere they can get to. They would do anything to get a dose of narcotic, though for each of them it is a different thing. And yes, that's true, I also try to find my strength in different places, I sometimes spend hours reading articles and encouragements on the Internet but I can also see that's not enough because then I don't look for God in my heart, I just get some knowledge which, of course, can be helpful, but I'm not filled with the Holy Spirit after such an action. Again, I have to confess that there's nothing better that can give you a feeling of being fulfilled than a prayer, an honest prayer. When I search the Web, I'm at work, when I pray, I'm at home and the home is inside me. I'm safe because I put my faith in Jesus and I can feel Him in my heart, not in the articles.