Ala's thoughts

Saturday, April 15, 2006


Seems like a prayer helped someone else again. Two days ago during a performance of my friend’s Christian concert I received a message from my best friend, she wrote her closest aunt is critically ill and she was driven to hospital. At this moment my prayer became even deeper. I thought about this woman till today, till my friend said she’s better now. I met this woman once, she’s one of those persons who you consider to be the greatest in the world. And though my friend doesn’t believe in God, I know that it is Him who helped this time.
Let me ask one question: how can somebody not believe in God and celebrate Easter time?


This time is I'm more contemplative. That makes me feel well to think deeper about a great gift given by God to all people. And probably I"m more and more aware of the fact that there's no one as faithful as our Lord. Different situations I face with keep me convinced I always have this one person who I can tell everything what's on my mind. He knows my thoughts even before I get them on my mind, but it's such a relief to confess all this to Him... I feel like I rise somehow in my faith again.
Another mail came from Sweden. That's really encouraging to have friends abroad who you know you'll probably never meet. That's the least possible with Gloia from China;) Sharing the news with someone ou actually don't know and who you can't see is surely, at least for me, a fine adventure.
How to stop people talking bad things about God? Stop those who actually don't know Him? How to do this and not hurt your closest friends? I have quite a hard problem to solve by myself.
God bless you!
Oh, by the way;) Happy Easter!!

Well, what can I say... I always have problems with the beginning. First, let me copy my last notes from the previous blog which stopped working somehow...;)