Ala's thoughts

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


I was blind and saw the light.
I like these days when I find out one thought and I can surround it by many others.
Surfing the net I’ve found blog of a guy who writes about making other people happy, he doesn’t care about his own happiness. All that counts for him is seeing others smiling. Nice to know that there are still people who think like that. He also mentions about praying to the Lord for the world to care less about its problems. I left him quite a long note to say I admire his attitude to the world. I hope it will encourage him and keep him still in doing his best for others.
Coming back to the first sentence – since I’ve been close to God I can observe changes He makes in me, the gifts of Holy Spirit working in me. First, I noticed my patience and happiness increased and just after this experience I’ve read a passage from the Bible about Holy Spirit’s gifts. Since that moment I’m entirely sure it is Him who stands upon me and looks after me, holds back temptations. He’s always been near me. The question is why I didn’t notice Him?


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